I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Telecommunication Networks (TKN) group at the TU Berlin. I have been involved in various research projects for the last six years, including wireless networking, programmable networks, and network security and resilience. My current research interest is building failure- and attack-resilient mission-critical networks, particularly leveraging wired/wireless IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) technologies.
I like developing software to make my own life easier. I am also quite into literary criticism.
PhD @ Computer Science, University of Hamburg (UHH), 2019-2023, Summa cum Laude
Thesis: Resilience of Service-oriented and Time-sensitive Mission-critical Networks
MSc @ Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), 2016-2018, GPA: 3.92/4.00
Thesis: Control and User Plane Separation in Ad-hoc Networks
BSc @ Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), 2011-2016, GPA: 3.52/4.00
Project: Persona: Cross-platform Device Connectivity
Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Berlin, 2023-2025
Research and development on wireless time-sensitive networks at OWTSN: Open Wireless Time-sensitive Networking for 5G-integrated Industrial Systems
Coordinating the DFG Priority Programme SPP 2378 Resilience in Connected Worlds – Mastering Failures, Overload, Attacks, and the Unexpected
Co-coordinating a working group in the BMBF-funded 6G-Platform Germany
Doctoral Researcher, UHH, 2019-2023
Research on zero-trust avionics systems at RESISTANT: Resilient Zero-Trust Avionics Platform supported by Digital Security Twins and Aircraft-SOCs
Research on virtualized and time-sensitive critical systems at DELIA: Distributed, Extendable, Lightweight, Open, Reliable and Service-oriented Architecture for Next Generation Mobility
Junior Researcher, METU, 2017-2019
Research and development on programmable load balancers in FAME
Designing secure communication modules at MilSOFT HvBS-NATO ACCS Integration Program
Research on clustering and routing algorithms for hierarchical mobile ad-hoc networks in ASELSAN
System and Software Engineer, Invicta R&D, 2016-2017
Development of network- and host-based security and access control mechanisms for critical systems at Virtual Air Gap (VAG)
- D. Ergenç, E. Onur, “Plane-separated Routing in Ad-hoc Networks”, Wireless Networks, 2022.
- D. Ergenç, J. Rak and M. Fischer, “Service-Based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-Critical Embedded Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2687-2701, 2021.
- D. Ergenç, L. Eksert and E. Onur, “Dependability-based Clustering in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 93, pp. 101926, 2019.
- D. Ergenç, F. Dressler, “An Open Source Implementation of Wi-Fi 7 Multi-Link Operation in OMNeT++”, 20th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS), 2025.
- D. Ergenç, F. Scheneider, P. Kling and M. Fischer, “Moving Target Defense in Service-oriented Mission-critical Networks”, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2023.
- D. Ergenç, D. Sorejevic and M. Fischer, “Distributed Bio-inspired Configuration of Virtualized Mission-critical Networks”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022.
- P. Gawehn, D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “Deep Learning-based Multi-PLC Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022.
- N. S. Bülbül, D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “Towards SDN-based Dynamic Path Reconfiguration for Time-sensitive Networking”, 17th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2022.
- D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “On the Reliability of IEEE 802.1CB FRER”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2021.
- N. S. Bülbül, D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “SDN-based Self-Configuration for Time-Sensitive IoT Networks”, 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2021.
- G. Simsek, D. Ergenç and E. Onur, “Efficient Network Monitoring via In-band Telemetry”, 18th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2021.
- D. Ergenç, J. Rak and M. Fischer, “Service-Based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks”, 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2020.
- D. Ergenç, L. Eksert and E. Onur, “Density-Aware Probabilistic Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 2018.
Workshops, Posters, Demos
- L. Ebner, J. T. Gómez, S. Pal, D. Ergenç, R. Wendt, S. Fischer and F. Dressler, “BVS-Net: A Networking Tool for Studying THz-based Intra-body Communication Links”, 11th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NANOCOM), 2024.
- J. Heinovski, D. Ergenç, and F. Dressler, “Platooning Revisited: What is the Personal Benefit Compared to ACC and Human Driving?”, 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2024.
- D. Ergenç, C. Brülhart and M. Fischer, “Demo: Towards Developing Resilient and Service-oriented Mission-critical Systems”, 9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2023.
- D. Ergenç, R. Schenderlein and M. Fischer, “TSNZeek: An Open-source Intrusion Detection System for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networks”, IFIP Networking - International Workshop on Time-Sensitive and Deterministic Networking (TENSOR), 2023.
- M. Mönnich, N.S. Bülbül, D. Ergenç, and M. Fischer, “Mitigation of IPv6 Router Spoofing Attacks with P4”, ACM Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS) Workshops - EuroP4, 2021.
- D. Ergenç, C. Brülhart, J. Neumann, L. Krüger and M. Fischer, “On the Security of IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops - Time-sensitive and Deterministic Networking, 2021.
- D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “Implementation and Orchestration of IEEE 802.1CB FRER in OMNeT++”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops - Time-sensitive and Deterministic Networking, 2021.
- D. Ergenç and E. Onur, “Poster: iSDR: SDR-in-the-loop Simulation”, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019.
- D. Ergenç and E. Onur, Cross-layer Stack Design Framework in OMNeT++”, 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit, 2018.
- D. Ergenç, N.S. Bülbül, L. Maile, A. Arestova and M. Fischer, “Towards Synthesizing Datasets for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking”, International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys) - 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning & Networking, 2023.
- G. Simsek, D. Ergenç and E. Onur, “Reliable and Distributed Network Monitoring via In-band Network Telemetry”, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2212.14876, 2022.
- N.S. Bülbül, D. Ergenç, and M. Fischer, “Evaluating Dynamic Path Reconfiguration for Time Sensitive Networks”, Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas), 2022.
- D. Ergenç and M. Fischer, “Resilience of Virtualized Embedded Networks”, 2. KuVS Fachgespräch “Network Softwarization”, 2020.
- D. Ergenç, and E. Onur, “On Network Traffic Forecasting using Autoregressive Models”, 2019, arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12220.
- A. Demirpolat, D. Ergenç, E. Ozturk, Y. Ayar and E. Onur, “Software-defined Network Security”, Book Chapter in Enabling Technologies and Architectures for Next-Generation Networking Capabilities, pp. 232-253, IGI Global, 2019.
- D. Ergenç, L. Eksert and E. Onur, “Performance Optimization and Analysis of A Weight-based Clustering Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks”, TBD 35. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı, 2018.
Open-source Software
- Implementation of multi-link operation (MLO) feature for Wi-Fi 7 in OMNeT++.
- TSNZeek, a monitoring and intrusion detection system for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) based on Zeek.
- Implementation of IEEE 802.1CB Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability (FRER) in OMNeT++.
Professional Activities
- Mateusz Zakrzewski, “Leveraging TWT in Wi-Fi 7 MLO for Time-sensitive Wireless Networking”, Bachelor Thesis, TU Berlin, 2025. (ongoing)
- Johanes Albert Smohartono, “Towards Ultra-reliable Wi-Fi: Adaptive Redundancy for Mixed-criticality Traffic via Wi-Fi 7 Multi-link Operation (MLO)”, Master Thesis, TU Berlin, 2025. (ongoing)
- Tobias Reisinger, “Enabling Fault Tolerance over Wi-Fi Multi-link Operation (MLO) in OMNeT++”, Bachelor Thesis, TU Berlin, 2024.
- Oliver Wandscheneider, “Resilient Time-sensitive Network Topology Design with Reinforcement Learning”, Master Thesis, UHH, 2024.
- Daniel Soltis, “Context-Adaptive Computational Offloading for Distributed Nature-Inspired Algorithms in Heterogeneous Edge Environments”, Master Thesis, UHH, 2023.
- Jasper Schwarzwald, “Using Best-effort Computing to Optimize Cluster Utilization”, Bachelor Thesis, UHH, 2023.
- Daniel Sorejevic, “Distributed Configuration of Mission-critical Embedded Networks”, Master Thesis, UHH, 2022.
- Robin Schenderlein, “Security Monitoring of IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking”, Bachelor Thesis, UHH, 2022.
- Philip Gawehn, “Anomaly Detection on the Basis of Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Industrial Networks”, Master Thesis, UHH, 2021.
Organizational Duties
Guest Editor, Special Issue in Optical Switching and Networking: From design to recovery: Insights on resilient network from RNDM 2023, 2025.
Organizer, 1st Workshop on Resilient Networks and Systems (ReNeSys) in International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), 2025.
TPC Member, 4. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch “Network Softwarization” (KuVS FG NetSoft), 2025.
TPC Member, Industrial Communication
Technologies and Systems Track in 30th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Factory Automation (ETFA), 2025.
TPC Member, 34rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2025.
Publicity Chair, 20th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS), 2025.
TPC Member, Workshop on Networking Protocols and Standards for Mobility (NPSM) in 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2024.
Organizer, 2nd Resilient Worlds Research School: Building Resilient Worlds - in Career and Research, 2024.
TPC Member, 33rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2024.
Organizer, 1st Resilient Worlds Research School: Collaboration & Communication for Future Resilient Networks, 2023.
Local Arrangement Chair, 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), 2023.
PhD with distinction, 2023.
INFOCOM Student Travel Grant, 2021.
Graduated 4th out of 270 students at METU, 2016.
1st place at Siemens Industrial Hackathon with Predictive Fault Tracker for Industry 4.0, 2016.
Certificates and Courses
Building Leadership Skills for Academia - a Workshop for Postdocs, TUB Scientific Continuing Education, 2024.
Paid to research: how to prepare successful fellowship applications, TUB Scientific Continuing Education, 2024.
Academic Choices - Achieving Success, Berlin University Alliance, 2023.
Mental Clarity & Decision Making, Hamburg Research Academy, 2023.
Funding Opportunities in the Postdoctoral Phase, Hamburg Research Academy, 2023.
Presentation and Public Speaking for Virtual Stage, Hamburg Research Academy, 2021.
Self- and Time Management, Hamburg Research Academy, 2021.